the Majority of hotel guests are prepared to pay to access it !!

In a recent market survey on exercise and health, 95% answered that they consider exercise and health important and over 90% answered that they like to exercise at the hotel when there is an opportunity.

What came out in the survey was that 78% answered that they would like to exercise in the hotel room if the opportunity existed and 85% answered that it has happened that they have wanted to exercise in the hotel but did not have training clothes with them. Among them, over 50% answered that it has happened several or many times.

In the survey, the question was asked ”If there were functional clothes and shoes for training in the hotel, would you consider using them, if you did not bring them with you?” 64% answered Yes absolutely, and 24% answered Yes sometimes. In the same survey, people were asked what they would be prepared to pay for training clothes if they don’t have their own and feel like working out. 33% answered that they would easily be prepared to pay €10 or more, 40% answered that they could imagine paying €5 – €9 and 27% answered that if it was free they would use it.

There is no doubt that today’s hotel guests value exercise and health highly and that they like to exercise during their stay at the hotel. Today’s hotel guests expect a high level of service and amenities and a majority want to see hotels handle training clothes and equipment and are prepared to pay to have access to it.

Do you want to increase the comfort of your guests and meet a great need many guests have and at the same time be able to increase your revenue streams?

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