Renowned hotel director elected to Gympak’s board of directors
For over 12 years, Gothenburg native Paul Lukes was CEO & Director of hotels such as Elite Park Avenue hotel, Sankt Jörgen Park Resort and Clarion Hotel Post. He has now been elected to the board of Gympak.
-One of our major customer groups is hotels around the world. There are few who know the market and understand the needs of guests as Paul does, says Tobias Lindberg, Gympak’s chairman. We are very pleased to have Paul on the Board. Surveys show that hotel guests’ preferences have changed over the years. Nowadays, gyms and fitness facilities are an increasingly important aspect when guests book their stays. The majority of hotels have invested considerable amounts in gyms but they are not used to the extent that many hotels would like. Many guests want to do simple exercises in their rooms, according to Gympak’s own research, and even more don’t want to pack workout clothes in their bags. They don’t have the space to add sweaty clothes to their other luggage or fit trainers into a small overnight bag. Many travelers choose not to exercise at all on shorter or longer trips. Gympak wants to change that!
-“My years in the hotel industry have confirmed what surveys and studies show. Being able to rent clothes and get access to shoes to use in the gym at your hotel will certainly become a matter of course in the future, says Paul Lukes and continues: in this way, more people will also use the gyms that are available or guests will want to do simpler training in their hotel room. Internationally, many hotel chains such as Hilton offer equipment such as bikes, rowing machines and light weights in hotel rooms. Gympak believes that more and more travelers will have higher demands for exercise facilities in the future and therefore offers smaller packages of exercise equipment that fit in hotel room closets.
In the summer of 2022, Paul Lukes caught the eye of Gympak. When he was asked for a seat on the board, the answer came quickly. -What Gympak offers is in demand by travelers. High-quality clothing, simple exercise equipment that can be provided in hotel rooms, along with a fitness app that gives customers unique hotel offers after completing a workout. In this way, hotels can communicate with guests, increase loyalty and retain guests for longer, which in turn leads to higher turnover and more satisfied guests, says Paul.
Paul also comes as advisor to Gympak’s CEO Jone Sølvik.
-It is invaluable for me to be able to exchange ideas and thoughts with Paul. We already have a large number of hotels in Sweden and internationally that have shown interest in Gympak, so Paul’s experience is worth its weight in gold to me, says Jone.
Press release: February 2, 2024