They want to feel valuable, seen and cared for. They want to feel proud of the company they work for, and they want to be treated as an important part of the company.

The more employees you have the greater variety of people you get. They have differenct lifestyles and different interests. Some have never exercised, some love to exercise. You have different ages and different conditions.

Some have never been to a gym; some are parents of small children and rarely have time to go away to exercise. Some travel a lot and some work 7am – 4pm dayshifts. Someone loves yoga while someone else likes strength training, someone is a beginner while another exercise at an advanced level, and everyone is triggered by different things and goals.

GYMPAK provide companies with high-quality functional sportswear packs (incl shoes), home training equipment & a unique workout app for staff to use at home or wherever they are.

With GYMPAK’s products the company will encourage staff to an active and healthy lifestyle in an easy and flexible way, strengthen its brand, strengthen the company as an employer and generate a healthier staff and environment.

Do you run a company?

Contact us, and let us explain how we can add value, increase your staff satisfaction and health, by encourage them to an active and healthy lifestyle.